Looney Bins

Looney Bins

We aren’t the kind of household that can handle empty organizational containers and bins. Don’t get me wrong, I have a fascination with organizational boxes, bins and things. The Container Store is one of my favorite places. I also love reusing containers from one...
Brain Health and Food

Brain Health and Food

Today I had a green apple, cut up peppers and a small scoop of peanut butter for breakfast, well, technically lunch. Sound weird? Before tracking my food and how it effects my energy level and mood, I would have thought so too. We all know that food has a huge impact...
So Long, Summer

So Long, Summer

Since my children are school-aged, summers are a special time packed full of work and play. It’s a constant battle to stay in balance. At least two or three times a summer I feel like I’m losing that battle. It’s harder to find uninterrupted work time, but so...